August 2024 President & CEO Recap

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Welcome back to Mighty Moments! In this exciting August 2024 episode, Host Josh D'Agostino is joined by Chief Revenue Officer, Chris Adams for an honest discussion about the sales challenges Mighty Land faced this month. But it’s not all doom and gloom— Josh and Chris dive deep into the Mighty Promise, actionable strategies to turn things around, and share insights on how you can maximize your sales and efforts and finish the year strong. So, grab your headphones, crank up the volume, and get ready for another engaging episode of Mighty Moments!

Key Topics 
  • August 2024 Sales Numbers - 00:41
  • M.A.P ATL Conversation Example - 02:39
  • Worldpac Sale Impact - 07:20
  • August VS7 & Lubricant Sales Numbers - 11:47
  • August Events 
    • Police Fleet Expo in Texas & The Mighty Promise - 08:57
    • Gohner Visit to MOA & Updates - 12:06
    • FRANAD Recap - 14:05
  • Sales
    • Lots of Travel & Training! - 15:55
    • Recent Fleet Sales Franchise Shoutouts - 16:43
  • Training 
    • Friday Fundamentals
      • Next One: September 13th at 2 PM (Bynder w/ the Marketing Team) - 19:26
  • IT
    • Lots of Internal Infrastructure Updates - 21:26
    • Updates to the Customer Central Bill Process -  21:55
    • Updating MIC and What's Next for MIC? -  22:46
    • How Does A.I Fit into Mighty Land? - 23:45
    • William Shatner's Thoughts on A.I (Video Clip) - 25:04
  • Product
    • Lots of Reductions - 26:07
    • Filter Catalog Delays - 27:29
  • Marketing
    • The Mighty Pros Vol. 21 No. 1 was Released! - 28:42
    • Mighty Brightline Updates - 28:50
  • "Let's Buck the Trend" - 29:14
  • MPC Set a Franchise Revenue Record & Safety Stock Increase - 31:00
  • Summary & Wrap-Up - 33:24 
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Episode brought to you by:

Understanding Mike's Foreign Language
Writing Essays Thanks to A.I (Unproven, Of Course)
The Robot A.I Takeover
Football is Back! (But not for FSU Sadly)
Note From Editors: "Check out the cover picture this month, Josh is wearing a UGA Shirt!"

Creators and Guests

Chris Adams
Chris Adams
Chief Revenue Officer
Dominick Maduri
Dominick Maduri
Freelance Videographer
Kyle Brown
Kyle Brown
Freelance Videographer
August 2024 President & CEO Recap

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