June 2024 President & CEO Recap

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Welcome back to Mighty Moments! In this exciting June 2024 episode, host Josh D'Agostino is joined by the recent 30 year vet, Mark Spruill! Tune in to hear them along with a special call in with the General Manager for Mighty of Maryland, Sara Cooke and Director of Franchise Development, Lamar Russo, as they recap and reminiscent on the recent National Sales Meeting!! So, grab your headphones, crank up the volume, and get ready for another engaging episode of Mighty Moments!

Key Topics 
  • June 2024 Sales Numbers - 01:37
  • Sara's Record Sales Month - 02:28
  • Lamar & Sara's NSM 2024 Thoughts - 03:31
  • Visit to Mt. Vernon, Ohio - 17:38
  • IT 
  • Product
    • Wheel Weights Program Updates - 23:45
    • PKL Updates - 25:14
    • NEW Heavy Duty Guide Available Now - 27:30  
  • Marketing
    • Mighty Brightline Updates - 27:50 
    • NSM Survey - 28:52 
    • NSM Award Winners - 28:59
  • Mark's 30 Years at Mighty! - 33:11
  • Summary & Wrap-Up - 33:24 
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Creators and Guests

Dominick Maduri
Dominick Maduri
Freelance Videographer
Kyle Brown
Kyle Brown
Freelance Videographer
Lamar Russo
Lamar Russo
Director, Franchise Development
Mark Spruill
Mark Spruill
Director of IT
Sara Cooke
Sara Cooke
General Manager, Mighty of Maryland
June 2024 President & CEO Recap

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